Nov 15, 2009

hope meet reality and lets all come to an agreement

One thing that's become so vividly clear in my life and mind is that growing up there isn't always a clean cut right and wrong choice. I find myself rebounding from making the wrong choice and ending up much better then planned, and in the same instance. This whole home purchasing thing has shed light that really a marriage is more than just love, more than just hopes and dreams. It really involves so much decision making and coming to an agreement. I have no doubt that I'll grow old with Lyndsey , but really you never get the full effect of it until you have to start coming to a decision on serious matters. I think that both her and I will learn more about each other then we can imagine.

The funny part is I've heard this all before...and always said nah you know what I already know my fiancee' quite well. What'd everyone always hear growing up...ah yes, never say never.''

I find myself STILL having constant conflicting thoughts in my head about if something is simply morally/personally not right or if its rather sinfull. We all make mistakes and its a day to day thing that we most likely will never be able to break. That is a whole different story in which I don't have time to get into. I really do want to consistently blog, but for (what i'd think) a good reason. I'd like to be able to show my kids that yes I did go through.

Tonight Lynds and I went to a local show with Todd and Sam. We met up with our buddy Adam there also. I REALLY enjoyed In Regret they had so much passion and energy. It's one thing to work a crowd but it another when you can tell the music really means something. I've been listening to them for the past hour or close to two , hah. I REALLY didn't enjoy Calvary, the guy was cussing the entire time while talking in between songs. I understand profanity gets thrown around...and while I don't cuss I'm sure I say words others don't agree with. Show was at a bar so I also understand that its most likely gonna happen, however when you say "oh f jesus he isn't real" thats a line that you really shouldn't cross. I was glad to see that people were leaving after that. Major props to Craig (from ophira) for immediately waking out and being the first. Show was overall a good time . Afterwards me and Todd rocked out some New Super Mario Bro's Wii...good times.

I'm about to head to bed , tomorrow should be full of working on my powerpoint, chatting it up with Coleseph and hopefully helping Lynds with some packing and what not. I'm walking on egg shells with this house! Also working on a new comic with a friend, I'll hopefully put it up online and do a new comic every week...we shall see. If it gets good responses maybe we can increase the count and what not.

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